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Revisão de 20h26min de 22 de fevereiro de 2017 por Nathalieaburgess (discussão | contribs) (Criou página com 'Denis Mikhlin is an upstanding guy. He came here from russia with nothing and turned his life into successful story. He started his own company doctors on the go, from nothin...')
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Denis Mikhlin is an upstanding guy. He came here from russia with nothing and turned his life into successful story. He started his own company doctors on the go, from nothing but drive. 4 years later and the business, that feautures doctors doing house calls, is a success like no alternative. With this business, Mr. Mikhlin has sponsored health fairs, boxing matches and even golf tournaments. Denis may be a the guy with the big heart that will facilitate anyone in would like before serving to himself-that’s however his friends understand him. The wonderful father and model we have a tendency to all need in our lives. If he’s not in the office he’s probably on the racecourse along with his bike, jumping out of Associate in Nursing heavier-than-air craft or flying that plane he’s been dreaming regarding since he was a child.

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