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Charlie: Oww Uhhgg, What happened? (looks at scar) Aghhaa! they took my friggin kidney!! | Charlie: Oww Uhhgg, What happened? (looks at scar) Aghhaa! they took my friggin kidney!! | ||
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Edição atual tal como às 01h08min de 10 de setembro de 2007
Vídeo no YouTube. Fantástico.
Encontrado na internet, como todas as coisas no mundo. Link
Precisa de umas melhorias, mas dá pro gasto.
Charlie The Unicorn Goes to Candy Mountain
Movie Script
by: Jason Steele
(Charlie the Unicorn is sleeping in the meadow, when along comes two other unicorns)
( Blue and Pink Unicorns Enter)
Blue Unicorn: Heeey, Chaaarlie, hey Charlie wake up!
Pink Unicorn: Yeaaahhh Charlieeee, you silly sleepy head, wake up!!
(Charlie Wakes Up)
Charlie: Uhhhh, oh god you guys. This better be pretty friggin important! Is the meadow on fire?! (very angry)
Blue Charlie: Nooooo Charlie, we found a maaap.To Candy Mountain! Candy Mountain Charlie!!
Pink Unicorn: Yeaaaah Charlie, we’re going to Candy Mooountaaain!! Come with us Charlie!
Blue Unicorn:Yeaah Charlie!!! It’ll be an ADVENTURE!! We’re going on an ADVENTURE CHARLIE!
Charlie: Yeah, Candy Mountain right… (disbelieves). I’m just gonna you know, go back to sleep now..(tries to go back to sleep when Blue Unicorn flips and then jumps on him)
Blue Unicorn: (jumps on him while speaking) NOoOoO, Charlie!! You have to come with us to candy mountain!!
Pink Unicorn: Yeah Charlie Candy Mountain!!! It’s a land of sweets and Joy…And JOYNESS :) (Blue Unicorn Still Bouncing)
Charlie: Please stop bouncing on me..
Blue Unicorn: CANDY MOUNTAIN CHARLIE!!! (still bouncing on him)
Pink Unicorn: Yeah!!! Candy Mountain!!
Charlie: Alright fine!!! I’ll go with you to Candy Mountain!
(In a Dark Forest surrounded by trees)
Both Unicorns: La la la lal la la! Lal la laaa!! lalalalala!! (skipping)
Blue Unicorn: Our first stop is over there Charlie!! (Walk up and see this huge ugly monster thing laying on a hill)
Charlie: Oh god, what is that..
Blue Unicorn: It’s a Leopurodon Charlie!
Red Unicron: A Magical Leoplurodon!!
Blue Unicorn: Its gonna guide our way to Candy Mountain!
Charlie: Alright guys you do know that there’s no actual Candy Mountain right??
Blue Unicorn: Shun the nonbelievers!
Pink Unicorn: Shuuunnn!!
Charlie: Yeah…
Leoplurodon: gkeshiaghjdsfhauighivlrsa
Blue Unicorn: It has SPOKEN!!
Pink Unicorn: It has told us the waaaay!!!
(other unicorns start to move, charlie motionless)
(On a moving bridge over what looks like the Grand Canyon)
Blue Unicorn: It’s just over this bridge Charlie!
Pink Unicorn: This Magical Bridge! Of Hope and Wonder!!!
Charlie: (looks down) Is anyone else getting, like covered in splinters!? Seriously guys.. we shouldn’t be on this thing..
Blue Unicorn: Chaarllliiiieeee, Chhaaaaaaaaarlllliiiiiiieeeeee,
Charlie: (Getting Annoyed)
Blue Unicorn: Chaaaaaarrrrrlllllllliiiiieeeee Chaar-
Charlie: (interrupts) I’m right here!! what do you want??!!
Blue Unicorn: We’re on a Bridge CHARLIE!!
(walks up to Candy Mountain)
Pink Unicorn: We’re Here!!!
Charlie: Well what do you know, there actually is a candy mountain.
Blue Unicorn: Candy Mountain!! (starts flipping again) Candy Mountain!! (Dances around Candy Mountain) Fill me with sweet sugary goodness!!!
Pink Unicorn: Go inside the Candy Mountain Cave Charlie!!!
Blue Unicorn: Yeah Charlie!! Go inside the cave!!! Magical wonders will behold when you enter!!
Charlie: Yeah, uhh… thanks but no thanks, im gonna stay out here.
Pink Unicorn: But you HAVE to enter the Candy Mountain Candy Cave Charlie?!
(From the Cave pops out 5 red licorice people spelling out CANDY)
(The Y starts to sing,dance and bounce while the other letters sway)
Oh when you're down and looking for some cheering up!
Then just head right on up to the candy mountain cave!
When you get inside you will find yourself a cheery land!
Such a happy and joy filled and perky merry land!
They've got lollipops and gummy drops and candy things!
Oh so many things that will brighten up your day!
It's impossible to wear a frown in candy town!
It's the Mecca of love the candy cave!
They've got jellybeans and coconuts with little hats! (A rainbow appears and all but Charlie starts to float)
Candy rats, chocolate bats it's a wonderland of sweets!
Ride the candy train to town and hear the candy band!
Candy bells it's a treat as they march across the land!
Cherry ribbons stream across the sky into the ground!
Turn around it astounds it's a dancing candy tree!
In the candy cave the imagination runs so free!
so now Charlie will you please go into the cave!
BOOM!( licorice candy people explode)!
Charlie: Alright FINE!! I’ll go into the friggin Candy Cave! ( starts to walk into the cave) this better be good!
(charlie walks into a dark black cave)
Both Unicorns: Hyaaaaa!!
Blue Unicorn: Goodbye Charlie!
Pink Unicorn: Yeah, goodbye Charlie!
Charlie: Goodbye?? What?? (starts to close..goes pitch black..) Hey what’s going on here?? Hello?? (begins to hear galloping) Who is that?? Bam!! ( gets knocked out) (wakes up back in the meadow with big, bloody red scar on his belly)
Charlie: Oww Uhhgg, What happened? (looks at scar) Aghhaa! they took my friggin kidney!!